Psychological mechanisms are used in marketing as a means to understand how consumers purchase. This is known as consumer behaviour. Digital marketers will implement these tactics as an attempt to influence consumers to want to purchase their product or service. Here are just a few tips and tricks you can adopt for your own digital marketing advertisement to really draw in your consumers:

  • Colour Psychology

As consumers, we are very emotional when purchasing items or services as we require to purchase for the right value of money. Digital marketers will pick out specific colours as colours depict various meanings and emotions that can impact consumer behaviour. For instance, the colour red is often associated with urgency, excitement, passion and appetite hence the regular use in fast-food restaurants such as KFC and McDonalds. Consumers are automatically drawn to the colour as their perception of the brand is altered. Likewise, consumers can recognise a brand through their colour scheme without seeing the name of the brand.

  • Gestalt Theory

Psychological theorists believe that consumers group stimuli together. For instance, having a marketing campaign that pictures a celebrity with a specific product, can cause consumers to believe that the two are associated. Gestalt Theory attempts to communicate to the audience what an advertisement is really about as viewers are made to pay longer attention to detail to connect the two stimuli. An example of this is the 2007 Heinz advertisement. Tomatoes were sliced and stacked to form a Heinz bottle (Gupta, 2014). This advertisement does not only represent the brand but emphasises that Heinz is made from fresh tomatoes. Furthermore, as it is an extraordinary image to look at, consumers will take a longer time to digest this information so taking in more information from the advertisement.

  1. The Nudge theory

The Nudging Theory, Introduced by Richard Thaler, is a psychological marketing strategy of persuading and encouraging consumers to purchase. It allows marketers to understand consumer behaviour and use this to create mechanisms that will influence their actions. An example of a company who uses this is Netflix. Netflix creates suggestions for viewers of potential series or movies to watch next. Therefore, Nudging them to watch more. Although, this psychological concept is useful, do keep in mind that too much “Nudging” can be condescending or deter the consumer from the product or service in the future.

  1. The Scarcity Illusion

The Scarcity Illusion is the concept that a product or service is of limited availability. In terms of economics, fewer supply leads to higher demand. Essentially, if consumers are informed of a service or product being less available to them, this would create a sense of urgency so increasing purchases. Additionally, digital marketers can place this information in bold on advertisements to draw in consumers for potential sales.

Essentially, psychological marketing tactics are useful for digital marketers as it can improve the efficiency and appearance of their advertisement in Sim only deals. Consumers will be inclined to purchase so potentially improving revenue. Subsequently, keep in mind the duration in which you use some of these techniques as it can become a deterrent.

Overall, take care when creating your advertisements and enjoy!