Student Finance
Are you confused about student finances? What are you entitled to and how to find information about it? Study Britannia is here to help and assist you in completing your Student Finance application.
What is Student Finance? Our simple guide to student fees and funding will provide you with a straightforward explanation of what is out there and how to get it. For a quick overview, watch the video below:
An Introduction to Student Loans
Money from the Government
UK and EU Students are fully eligible for the UK Government’s student loan support package if they meet the appropriate criteria:
- The university, college or other institution you have applied for must be a ‘recognised’ or ‘listed’ institutional body (it must offer qualifying courses).
- You must aim to complete at least 25% of your entire course module per year.
- You are attending your first higher education qualification.
There are two primary sources of funding from the government available to students:
- A Tuition Fee Loan – £9,250 a year for undergraduate studies, £10,609 for postgraduate Master’s courses and £25,000 for Postgraduate Doctoral studies.
- A Maintenance Loan – This loan of up to £11,354 a year is intended to help you with your living costs whilst at university, including accommodation. Everyone is entitled to a percentage of this loan, although the amount you receive is dependent on when you started your course, where you live, and what your household income is.
If you have any questions regarding your Student Finance application or what you may be entitled to, please get in touch:
T: 020 3302 7144
M: 074 2553 5194