Job interviews can be daunting and uncomfortable. It is important to understand how to navigate this pressure so you can be confident and focused whilst being interviewed. Essentially, an interview is an opportunity to sell yourself and to show employers the many reasons as to why they should hire you or what value you could bring to their organisation. Alternatively, it is an opportunity for you to find out more information about the company and whether or not it would be best suited for you. Therefore, listed below are just 5 tips to consider when preparing for a job interview and additional questions to ask an interviewer.


Dress Professionally

It is essential for candidates to dress professionally as your first impression will count. Employers will judge a candidate based on their attire as it reflects on whether they are serious about a job or not. Additionally, it is recognised to help boost your confidence, so be sure to wear formal clothing.


Revise the Job Description Thoroughly

Perhaps this step may seem obvious, but many individuals forget to do thorough research regarding a specific job – so creating confusion. It is vital to understand what is expected of you, so you are not walking into a room blind. Employers may ask you questions referring to the job description, therefore, be prepared so you know what you are talking about. 


Study the Organisation

Remember to study the organisation. Interviewers will expect candidates to express what they know about the institution. If you cannot answer this question then it will reflect badly as candidates must understand the businesses aims and objectives. Furthermore, you can look into the business’s competitors as this could be an interesting conversation relating to potential growth.


(Please note: Try to not come across as overconfident as employers may take this as arrogance).


Revise Common Interview Questions

For any job offer, it is vital to practice common interview questions so you are prepared. Study the job description and understand the field you are working in as this can guide you on the types of questions interviewers are likely to ask. For instance, when applying for a marketing job, an interviewer is likely to ask “What is your understanding of digital marketing?”. However, when applying for a hospitality job, employers are less likely to ask a question like this.


Finally, relax!

This is easier said than done but try to channel this pressure into a positive. Remember to channel your confidence. Look the part to feel the part. 


Furthermore, don’t be shy to ask the interviewer questions after the interview process. This is a great tip for you to get to know the individual as well as understand the company you could be working for. Additionally, it demonstrates initiative and this could make a difference between your application and another application. So here are two extra questions you could ask:


  1. How would you best describe the working environment?
  2. What does a standard day consist of for this specific job role?


Now you have enough information to guide you through an interview process. Don’t forget to relax and practice, as practice makes perfect.