School of Business and Management


BA (Hons) Accounting and Financial Management

Integrate the key areas of accounting and financial management within a business context. Enhance your expertise in decision-making about financial resources. Develop fresh approaches to solving problems at work and integrate knowledge from a variety of topics.

BSc (Hons) Accounting and Management

This course is designed for those of you who want to study a professionally accredited undergraduate degree in accounting, alongside the theory and practice of management, the BSc Accounting and Management programme will help develop your critical and analytical abilities, leading to expertise in accounting and management and a successful career in your chosen, related field. The accounting pathway gives students a broad overview of management issues with specialist knowledge of the applications of accountancy to the world of commerce.

BSc (Hons) Business and Healthcare Management

The health and social care sector offers a huge array of employment opportunities. Contributing some £43bn to the UK economy, the health and social care sector currently employs some 2.8 million people. And with 12% growth projected, graduates who can demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of the relevant business concepts as well as first-hand experience in the sector will be in great demand.

BSc (Hons) Business and Hospitality Management

The hospitality industry offers a vast array of career opportunities. The hospitality industry continues to grow at a rapid rate which means there continues to be huge demand for graduates who can demonstrate an in-depth understanding of business theory as it applies to the sector alongside first-hand, relevant experience.

BA (Hons) Business and Financial Management

This course provides you with the skills, the knowledge and the insight to work in the business sector. It focuses on specialist modules including financial accounting, management accounting, business finance, financial management, strategic management accounting and international financial reporting. It provides the essential skills to manage a business.

BA (Hons) Business and Human Resource Management

This course is for people looking to launch a career in business who want to combine broad-based business studies with a specialist pathway in Human Resource Management. All of the Business with courses are 3-year degrees with an optional 4th year between the second and final taught years. Students who do not take this option will be expected to undertake a final year UG Consultancy Project rather than the dissertation.

BSc (Hons) Business Management and Entrepreneurship

A Business Management and Entrepreneurship programme will provide you with the skills required to plan, set up and run your own business. It is designed to make you a ‘business ready’ graduate: a confident, independent thinker with a detailed knowledge of business, management and entrepreneurship. As an entrepreneur, you will be equipped with the skills needed to drive innovation and adapt to change.

BA (Hons) Business and Marketing Management

This course includes an overview of marketing research and planning as well as options in retail marketing, relationship marketing, content marketing, the buyer behaviour and customer experience. It has a focus on skills and knowledge related to marketing. Students following this course will acquire the essential and basic skills to manage a business.

BA (Hons) Business Creation

This is a dynamic business degree aimed at highly motivated students with an entrepreneurial spirit. Heavily weighted towards work-based learning, you will undertake a placement with a small to medium-sized enterprise (SME) for a total of 30 months, returning to campus for intensive study periods. The focus on learning to use your personal effectiveness to achieve your professional goals and the opportunities you will have to develop practical business skills make this course ideal for highly motivated students who want to set up their own business.

BA (Hons) Business Economics

This programme gives you a firm foundation of knowledge in business economics, as well as a complementary training in a focused business pathway: Accounting and Finance or International Business. The objective of this course is to provide you with a theoretical and practical understanding of the economic decisions faced by business and its managers, as well as the ability to analyse the economic and social environment in which these decisions are taken. The programme combines the development of key skills in economics, accounting and management with the application of these skills to the solution of many interacting problems that face business managers.

BSc (Hons) Marketing

An exciting and cutting-edge applied Economics course which focuses on real and relevant issues using and applying the latest post-crisis economic theory. You will acquire the skills necessary to analyse numerous real-world issues including irrational behaviour, how firms really operate, economic growth, post-crisis banking, development and sustainability as well as alternative schools of thought that are shaping economics including new-institutional economics, happiness economics, evolutionary economics and behavioural economics.

BSc (Hons) Business and Tourism Management

Our degree course has been developed to give you the key business skills needed for a successful career in this sector.  There is a particular focus on the biggest challenges facing the tourism industry; these include sustainability, ethical tourism and diverse competition.  Designed to unlock your potential by developing both your commercial awareness and specialist subject knowledge, our degree is a perfect launch pad into this highly important industry.

BA (Hons) Economics and Management

Economics studies how consumers, firms and governments make decisions that together determine how resources are allocated. An appreciation of economics helps to make sense of government policy-making, the conduct of businesses and the enormous changes in economic systems which are occurring throughout the world.

BSc (Hons) Economics and Finance

Economics and Finance program offers a strong combination of essential business and finance topics alongside the core elements of an economics degree. You will gain an understanding of how the business and financial sectors operate and of their role in modern economies, and you will acquire the tools required for analysing them.

The course includes specialist modules in financial forecasting, financial markets, investments and risk management. You’ll gain first-hand experience of financial markets through using our Bloomberg terminals and taking advantage of opportunities to build a track record and portfolio. The curriculum of the programme is generally research-led, with the sophistication and depth of research used increasing over the course of the year until the final semester Contemporary Issues in Business module. Your technical ability to research is also developed within the Academic and Career Development module.

BA (Hons) International Business Management

Are you an independent person who likes to travel and wants to experience different cultures? Are you looking for global career prospects and opportunities? If you have the desire to work internationally, a love of travelling and an adventurous nature, this is the course for you.

BSc (Hons) Law and Accounting

This intellectually stimulating degree addresses the broader aspects of business organisation and management culture, while also providing an insight into corporate and consumer legislation, corporate regulation and other legal aspects of business enterprise. Also, this course will equip you with a real understanding of how legal considerations have an impact on virtually every aspect of management activity.

BA (Hons) Accounting and Business Law

On this course you will usually be taught by a range of staff with relevant expertise and knowledge appropriate to the content of the unit. This will include senior academic staff, qualified professional practitioners and research students. You will also benefit from regular guest lectures from industry.

BSc (Hons) Business and Law

Business Law is a subject that provides a detailed insight into the role of law in modern business practice. This degree will SUIT Students interested in having a career in business, management, HR, commerce or government, – or perhaps that are intending to setting up their own business.  The Business Law degree will give you the foundation you need to be successful in this sector.

BSc (Hons) Business and Management

This course is designed for students wishing to embark on a professional career in business and management. It will help you develop analysis and evaluation skills which can be applied to real-world situations. You will develop your knowledge and understanding of the various functional areas of business, including management, marketing, human resources, finance and operations management within a global context. You will also be equipped with the skills required to be successful in business, such as entrepreneurship, digital literacy, collaborative working and communication skills.

BA/BSc (Hons) Business

This course enables you to develop your knowledge, skills and understanding of the strategic and international dimensions of business and management. It also allows you to develop knowledge of markets, customer behaviour, corporate strategy and project management and provides you with the basic and essential skills to start their own business.

Book a free consultation

Planning to study and choosing a course is an exciting moment in your life. Getting the right financial advice and support is a crucial step in the decision-making process. Our dedicated student counsellor would be happy to assist you to choose the right programme which best suits your professional goals.

we can also provide expertise and guidance on funding your tuition fees, living costs and managing your money once you’re here.

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