MSc Telecommunication Engineering
Duration: 1 year
Course details
Telecommunication engineering is a combination of electrical engineering and computer science. It covers the design, installation and maintenance of networks and equipment, allowing for the interconnectivity of devices and people. It’s one of the world’s most rapidly developing industries.
You will gain mathematical and statistical knowledge which will allow you to evaluate networks and assess their performances.
Classes you will attend
Computer Networks and Internetworking
Data Communication and Information Theory
Digital Transmission Systems
Mobile Communications
Broadband Technologies and Fibre Optics
Telecommunication Security
Project Research and Communication Skills
Project in Computer and Communication Engineering
Entry requirements
Minimum entry is a 2:2 Honours degree in Computer science, Electrical engineering, Information Technology or any related degree in Science or engineering.
Career possibilities
This formation will allow you to become a Chartered IT Professional and Incorporated Engineer. You will gather the skills to work in the telecommunication field.
You can expect to have these following positions after you graduate:
- Network manager
- System designer
- Telecommunication engineer
Apply Now
If you need more information, please contact us on 020 3302 7144 or on our CONTACT page to discuss your requirements.