MSc Aeronautical Engineering
Duration: 1 year
Course details
Aeronautical engineering graduate students are highly valued and in great demand. The Aeronautical Engineering Master is ideal for students seeking employment in the aeronautical sector and for practising aerospace engineers who want to extend and update their skills.
Modes of delivery of the Master in Aeronautical Engineering include lectures, seminars and tutorials and allow students the opportunity to take part in lab projects and team work. You will attend taught courses and take part in laboratory-based assignments and field visits. You will be further assessed in coursework, report writing and oral presentations.
Classes you will attend
Advanced Materials and Manufacture
Fatigue and Fracture Running
Further Finite Element Analysis
Further Computational Fluid Dynamics
Research Methods for Engineers
Aero elasticity
Advanced Propulsion
Advanced Aircraft Design
Strategic Leadership and Management for Engineers
Entry requirements
Minimum entry is a 2.1 Honours degree in aerospace or mechanical engineering
Career possibilities
Strong Employment and Career opportunities in commercial and military aircraft engineering, air transportation industry, teaching or research and development.
You can expect to have these following positions after you graduate:
- Teaching Assistant at a university
- Scientist at Fluid Gravity Engineering Ltd.
Apply Now
If you need more information, please contact us on 020 3302 7144 or on our CONTACT page to discuss your requirements.