Going back to university can be stressful, but check our tips and improve your focus when returning to the university. It happens often that some students decide to go back to university after a short or long break. The beginning is hard because of the fear of an unsuccessful finale is all over you. However, fear can do only harm rather than help you achieve your goals.

The golden rule – Manage your time

It is a golden rule for every activity and it is essential to be able to manage your own time in every aspect of your life. Unfortunately, it is not that simple, some people have talent, sharp mind but the lack of time management can be challenging. One of the simple rules for improving your time management skills is to create a schedule for the day or week. Then, decide on priority tasks and define them. Then comes to deadlines, create yours, and make an effort to stick to them. Following this process, you will be able to track your progress and be less stressed.

Sign up for extracurricular activities

Attending extracurricular activities would be beneficial for your well-being and will improve your motivation. Being part of a community would be beneficial for your general knowledge and communication skills and how to make connections. Also, the activity that you were doing in the university increases your chances to find a job.

Networking during events

There are a lot of options for events that you will have. Attending events gives you knowledge on different topics and perspectives. It is crucial to networking after the event, at first you can be timid and panic when it comes to communicating with strangers. After few events, this panic will go by itself and you will be able to make connections comfortably. If you think that networking is not for you, you need to read the book ‘Networking for people who hate networking’ by Devora Zack.

Get the most of the support services

All universities have support services for students but many of the majority of students do not make use of them. Especially, the services related to mental health are neglected from students because of insecurity to share a problem with a stranger. It has been noticed that educational institutions have started to promote these services more than before which hopefully leads to an increase in the number of users. Besides, there are available services that can provide assistance with your assignments and exams, and so on.

Study every day not right before the exam

The same tips from time management can be applied here. It is recommended that you start to prepare for the exams at the beginning of the term and read all the materials for lectures rather than rushing yourself in the last moment. This can cause unneeded stress thus you will not be able to make of the most of your second chance.


Going back to university can be daunting but a positive attitude is essential for success. Hence, being positive and following the tips above will result in great accomplishment.