Electric cars are becoming even more evident as more than 30 new companies are now investing from all over the world. This kind of investment befits a budget for everyone with all the consumer necessities. It will make the procurement and contract of an electric vehicle more viable than ever. Beyond the upfront costs, there are some benefits of owning an electric car, for instance, they are cost-effective, have better assistance, supportive and promote the environment around us.
1. Environmental benefits
One significant benefit of using an electric vehicle is that it promotes a positive impact on the environment. Electric cars do not have a tailpipe, therefore, air pollution is reduced as less harmful gases are released into the atmosphere. It is an effective method in tackling air pollution and enhancing the health and quality of life.
2. Discounts
The UK Government has designated some areas as “Clean Air Zones” that forbids the entry of polluting transport. People with an electric car are exempted from these charges. For example, people can drive smoothly in all the zones with no risk of fines, as it is more cost-effective than other vehicles. Many cities are considering these low emission zones with similar schemes, a switch, so switching to an electric vehicle would be a smart choice. In total, an electric vehicle owner can save up to £3000 a year driving in these zones.
3. Lower running cost
In comparison to petrol and diesel cars, electric vehicles are economical than any other mode of transport. On average, an electric vehicle costs about £1 to drive 90 miles – which is lower than the price of a beverage. However, the average cost of petrol would be around £10. Moreover, some workplaces present low-cost charging ports for electric vehicles. Whereas, other Government-operated charging points offer a no-cost charging port. Additionally, owning an electric car results in zero road tax, therefore, the maintenance is much simpler and economical in comparison to petrol or diesel cars.
4. Driving experience
The three main advantages of driving an electric vehicle over the (Internal-Combustion Engine) are:
Firstly, the torque of the electric car is much more effective and compelling than petrol and diesel cars.
Secondly, the regenerating braking innovation that provides the energy to the braking system as soon as you slacken off on the accelerator.
Finally, due to the load and location of batteries, you are less likely to be caught up in an accident so it benefits in handling convenience and security.
Currently, the UK Government is providing grants and monetary benefits for electric vehicle drivers and are helping them to establish charging points at home.
-Kshitij Gupta