Monthly Archives: October 2019

31 10, 2019

What is decision making and why is it important in Education

By |2019-10-31T10:53:03+01:00October 31st, 2019|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Making the Right Decision Taking ownership of yourself starts by taking mindful decisions that impact your life. Deciding On a Course of Study A number of people show interest in a broad range of subjects. From a specialist’s perspective, this makes the process of choosing a [...]

18 10, 2019

Career Counselling can Help You in a Number of Ways

By |2019-10-18T11:25:22+01:00October 18th, 2019|Uncategorized|0 Comments

In this time of change, when the field of education is rapidly evolving to fall in line with the requisites of global businesses, it is becoming seemingly difficult for students to keep pace with the developments. Moreover, in the absence of proper information, students are more [...]

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